Saturday, November 1, 2008

This is my boyfriend!!!!

Me and my cousin.

I wish I can have $$$$$ %).
I will be traveling every vacation I have.
I guess i will get tired after all.=)

This is Poas' Volcano in Costa Rica

I miss him. He is so lazy as you can see.

I like to be in different places.

These are my beautiful nieces.


Natalia said...

They are beautiful! Now let's see some beautiful ENGLISH words from you, Missy Fu

Juliana said...

tHeY aRE sOoOo bEaUtIfUl!!!!!! :)

Recep said...

waw nice pics. Rebeca is in ur country volcane blowing up everytime?

Kenia ncc said...

Hi Rebecca . Nice page ! keep it up girl.

Natalia said...

I love the additional pix AND the additional explanations. I think you did the haunted house carving!

browneyez said...

hello r u wow u guyz did a gr8 wasting my time on fb lol i should visit my profile some time....gr8pics

Saima Iftikhar said...

heyyy rabecca,lovely piczzz :)